Sunday 23 July 2017

An interview with the accused in person of iSmart the no.1 BUK blogger

Just had a chat with the accused in person of iSmart the CEO of BUK no.1 blog
And this was his response to me "I think it's high time I  respond  to the false allegation made on me

Firstly I go by name Ibrahim Yekeen Olamilekan popularly known as *iSmart*

There is a post going viral on whatsapp since last night

Which the so called guy claim that am a fraudster and I hack his account and am sure most of you that know me well know am not a fraudster and I have never use my computer knowledge to hurt anyone

```Am a Web designer and a white hat hacker```

The term *"white hat"* in Internet slang refers to an ethical computer hacker, or a computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and in other testing methodologies to ensure the security of an organization's information systems.

This account of his that he wanted to use in other to spoil my name due to the reason may be he was being paid by my opponent

They change the account information to my name yesterday, in which he share out the picture as a political propaganda

And again early this morning he share out a new image which he have already change the account information to his name and my name appearing on the account

He message me and said his account was hacked and started threatening me I was only replying with *lol*

Even if truly the account was hacked and you need my help to help you out its shouldn't come as a threat or claim I did it

Am not a computer illiterate I know when account is being hacked and when account information is being changed by the account owner

If you are paid to do this you should have used common sense that doing so can't give victory to those who send you, if you think politics is a dirty game I will play it in a very neat way with you guys and you guys are seriously afraid of me you shouldn't have use this method because am not an illiterate 

*Must You tarnish somebody image in other to gain victory or have people attention?*

_If you think you can use me in other to get fame omo you are standing on a long thing and if you are being paid for it I have no money to give you please continue your false allegation I don't care_

The  account is not hacked by me and that's my word

And from my own understanding been a computer analyst and a computer scientists no hacker would actually hack your account and leave trails for you even to the extend of putting up his informations

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