Tuesday 22 March 2016

5 Things Nigerian Politicains Often Say That Nigerians Have Come To Doubt

Many Nigerians have come to totally distrust the words and promises of Nigerian politicians, simply because of many failed promises and the fact that they would do or say anything to get into power but as soon as power is theirs, they either totally just dump their manifesto in the trash can or are too busy looting to have time to fulfil those promises or many of the promises they made were just what they were unreaslistic promises and they have no idea or plan to fulfil them. PINKYNAIJABLOG has collated 5 phrases Nigerian politicians have used and still use that Nigerians have lost faith in….

Leaders of Tomorrow: They have always said that the youths are the leaders of tomorrow but the tomorrow is here and the youths are still waiting for the said tomorrow. The same old gangs of politicians, who were in power before many of the youths were born are still the ones in power now. These days when politicians tell Nigerian youths they are leaders of tomorrow, they are hardly believed.

Gaint of Africa: Nigeria has been ranked the giant of Africa for as long as we can remember but the economic situation, epileptic power supply, bad roads, dilapidated education system, poor health facilities have made many Nigerians doubt the truth behind that statement.

Change is Here: This is the latest. With the harsh state of the Nigerian economy, and with Nigerians sweating through their noses to put food on the table, the world change only reminds them of their suffering. However, we hope that the story changes soon and everybody is happy.

Create employment: It is stale news to state that a bulk of Nigeria’s youth are unemployed, while some others are being enslaved in the name of employment. So whenever any government comes to say they will provide jobs some take it with hope because they have to have hope to survive not because they believe it will happen.

Stabilise power: We hear government upon government promise to stabilise power once they come into power and we have also seen them fail severally. It becomes almost impossible for many Nigerians to believe it when an incoming government promises to do what their predecessors failed to accomplish.

Do you agree???

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