Friday 25 March 2016

13 Facts About Stress You MUST Know

Every Nigerian whether rich, average or struggling can not run away from stress. The ones in the last two category can relate more to stress. The economy is bad, the rent is due, school fees, feeding and other bills keep pilling up. You tell yourself everyday that you need a miracle but what you really need is to calm down and take a break. WHAT?! Who’s going to put food on your table when you do that, but did you know that stress poses a great threat for diabetes and heart attack by altering blood sugar levels? This can cause fatigue, impulsive mood changes, and hyperglycemia. Just so no one becomes a victim of any medical condition induced by stress, pinkynaijablog  brings you 13 illuminating facts about stress you must know…

– Stress is one of the main factors causing insomnia and other sleep disorders. When stressors are present, the body naturally heightens its response system, thus, leading to wakefulness.

– Laughter is usually the best natural medicine. It lowers levels of cortisol, adrenaline, and epinephrine, which are stress-aggravating hormones; and it releases feel-good hormones, such as, dopamine.

– Chewing gum eases, not only the jaw, but stress as well. Ancient Mayans and Greeks chomped on resin gum; stress sure had been around a long time.

– Stress causes chest pain, high cholesterol, cardiac problems, depression, and a host of assorted problems. It is not the culprit that causes gray hair; but it does cause hair loss.

– In the 1930s, Hans Selye, an endocrinologist, first used the term stress in an organic framework. He used the term in his study with animals which, he concluded, had similar responses to stress as humans, e.g., hypertension, lingering back pain, and chronic abdominal problems.

– Highly stressed women have a higher tendency for suicide, particularly working mothers who lack substantial support and understanding from others, than most women with moderate levels of stress.

– Bringing up a family in a highly developed and urbanized city – where everyone has to put up with the high costs of living, rising crime rate, traffic congestion and air pollution, is highly stressful.

– General causes of stress include major life changes, threats, fear, uncertainty, excessive worries, lack of adaptability, personal life events and conflicting thoughts or behavior.

– Signs and symptoms of stress include memory problems, lack of concentration, moodiness, irritability, low temperament, anger, body aches, diarrhea or constipation, changed eating patterns, nausea, etc.

– Affecting the body & the mind, stress deteriorates the overall well-being of a person and takes a heavy toll on one’s health. Some of the stress-related disorders include bodily pains, cardiovascular diseases, digestive problems, sleep disorders, autoimmune disorders, depression and weight problems.

– In times of stress, the muscles become tensed and can trigger migraines, headaches, and other musculoskeletal problems. Premature aging and susceptibility to depression and anxiety are also important effects of stress.

– Stress can negatively impact the reproductive system. In men, sperm count reduces and stress can even cause impotence. In women, irregular menstrual cycles and more painful periods are commonly experienced.

– Chronic stress may trigger Telogen effluvium, a scalp disorder, leading to hair loss.

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